James Joseph Pierluissi

james pierluissi

September 23, 1950 ~ December 13, 2015

Born in: Puerto Rico
Resided in: Conyers, GA

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Memories Timeline


  1. Hello Dorothy and Family
    Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. May Jehovah comfort, strengthen and keep you all in peace.

  2. Please know that you have my deepest sympathy on the loss of your husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this tragic time.

  3. Reba and my thoughts and prayers are with you. May Jehovah provide you and your family comfort and strengthen during this time of your sorrow.

  4. I am sorry for your loss. Jehovah will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding during this time of sorrow.

  5. You and the family are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. May God’s peace strengthen you each day.

  6. Please accept my heartfelt condolences, Dorothy. I pray that your heart and soul finds comfort and peace in the love that surrounds you.

  7. Dorothy,

    Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your husband. I know that this is one of the most difficult times you will have to face. Please know that I am here for you if you need anything. If not today, tomorrow or whenever just call. I pray that Jehovah will guide you and your family during this difficult time.

  8. Dorothy,

    I’m sorry to hear of your lost. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong in believing you have a strong support system at home and at the workplace.

  9. Dorothy.

    Please accept my condolences on the loss of your husband, James. I offer my thoughts and prayers in this most difficult time for you and your family.

  10. Hello Dorothy and Family
    Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. My family is here for you if you need anything.

  11. Please know how much we love you and will work harder to express our love in the coming months. May Jehovah continue to provide the comfort more superabundantly that you need forever.

  12. Dorothy, my heart goes out to you and your family during this very difficult time. I am so sorry for your loss and will keep both you and your family uplifted in prayer.

  13. All our circle of friends and family have lost a kind, giving, and loving brother. I know he was so much more than that for you, Dot.
    He never lost his sense of wonder and enjoyment of Jehovah’s creations from music to the universe. All evidence he dug very deeply into God’s Word. Also, he even hung on to his sense of humor!
    We’ll have to be content with happy memories until we see him running toward you in the New System.

  14. Many times I admired this brothers faithfullness in his service to Jehovah. Despite his physical limitations he lived by his dedication. He will be missed, as well as his fine example. He lives on in Jehovahs memory and ours!

  15. Dorothy: I am so sorry for your loss. You are a truly good person. May God continue to Bless you even after this sorrow.

  16. Our deepest condolences to you and your family Sis. Pierluissi. May Jehovah the God of all comfort, be with you at this time.


  17. Dorothy. I am so sorry for your lost. my deepest sympathy to you and your family during this difficult time.

  18. Sister Pierlouise, i am so sorry for your loss. May Jehovah be with you throughout all your days and nights. May he provide you with the strength and the courage to help you through your grief. I wish the best for you and all of the brothers and sisters love you. I love you my sister. May Jehovah be with you.

  19. Dear Dorothy Pierluissi and family. So Sorry for your lost. We now can look forward to the resurrection. In the mean time we want you to know we love you and our thoughts and prayers are that we can all endure to the end to welcome Brother Pierluissi back. Love and best wishes.

  20. Dorothy, Know that our hearts and prayers are with you! We cherish the times spent with You & James just as much as Jehovah too has cherished the time you both have spent with him in his service. How you have walked with him and became his friend. Rest assured he has not forgotten his (James) good works. Soon the time will come as in Job:14:13 – 15; ‘He will call and James will answer’. Rest your hope on the God of all comfort for he will strengthen you because he loves you!
    With all our love – The Romo family

  21. Dear Dorothy & Family,
    Our ♡s hurt so much at the loss of
    James. Without a doubt, our Great
    God Jehovah will carry you, support
    & Comfort you because He is the
    God of All Comfort & Tender Mercies.
    May Jehovah keep moving the ♡s of Brothers & Sisters to assist you in
    days to come. Sending Much Warm
    Christian Love Always…

  22. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. May Jehovah comfort and strengthen you during this difficult time. With love!

  23. Dear Dorothy,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.
    My deepest sympathy.

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