Raphael Leonidas Pena

raphael pena

January 9, 1958 ~ July 11, 2023

Born in: Bani, Dominican Republic
Resided in: Lawrenceville, Georgia

On the afternoon of June 11, 2023, Raphael ”Papa” Peña passed away peacefully due to natural causes at Northside Gwinnett Hospital at age 65.

Raphael was born on January 9, 1958, in Bani, Dominican Republic; he graduated with honors from the University of Autonoma of Santo Domingo, where he received his bachelor’s in finance.

Though he spent most of his life in Boston, Massachusetts, he moved to Georgia for a better future. Raphael was a true entrepreneur; he loved providing those around him with opportunities to succeed. He was happiest spending time with his grandchildren; they truly put the biggest smile on his face.

Raphael is survived by his wife, Andrea Garcia, his sons Joalfi and Jonathan Pena, and his daughter Evelyn Carolina de la Cruz.

Raphael L. Pena

9 de Enero de 1958 – 11 de Juno de 2023

En la tarde del 11 de junio de 2023, Raphael ”Papa” Peña falleció pacíficamente debido a causas naturales en el Hospital Northside Gwinnett a los 65 años de edad.

Raphael nació el 9 de enero de 1958 en Bani, República Dominicana. Se graduó con honores de la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, donde obtuvo su licenciatura en finanzas.

Aunque pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Boston, Massachusetts, se mudó a Georgia en busca de un futuro mejor. Raphael fue un verdadero emprendedor; amaba brindar oportunidades a quienes lo rodeaban para que tuvieran éxito. Era más feliz pasando tiempo con sus nietos; realmente le ponían la sonrisa más grande en su rostro.

Raphael es sobrevivido por su esposa, Adrea García, sus hijos Joalfi y Jonathan Peña, y su hija Evelyn Carolina de la Cruz.


Visitation: July 18, 2023 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Wages & Sons Gwinnett Chapel
1031 Lawrenceville Hwy.
Lawrenceville, GA 30046


Funeral Service: July 18, 2023 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Wages & Sons Gwinnett Chapel
1031 Lawrenceville Hwy.
Lawrenceville, GA 30046


Interment: July 18, 2023 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

Gwinnett Memorial Park
925 Lawrenceville Hwy.
Lawrenceville, GA 30046


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Memories Timeline


  1. CandleImageRest in peace uncle my God grant your beautiful soul blessing and greatest heaven you will always be loved.

  2. CandleImageWish I would’ve gotten the chance to know him better. My love. thoughts and condolences to the family.

  3. CandleImageTe extrañare tanto mi tio , siempre fuiste una persona muy anorosa con todos nosotros , te amamos ????????

  4. CandleImageOur deepest condolences to the family and loved ones. May God provide strength and healing during this difficult time. Rest peacefully in Gods hands, Raphael. -Alvarenga/DeJesus family♥️

  5. CandleImageA todos los primos Peña Montero y a la familia de Rafaelin, siento mucho la pérdida de nuestro querido primo, Dios le dé paz a su alma y consuelo a sus familiares

  6. CandleImageMis mas sentidas condolencias
    Oro por su eterno descanso y que La Paz y el consuelo de DIOS los acompañe y fortalezcan en estos momentos difíciles
    Amén ????????

  7. CandleImagePrayers for you all and much love and comfort during this trying time. We are here for you all.

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