Rodrigo G. Castillo

July 23, 1985 ~ August 3, 2018
Born in:
Resided in:
Mableton, Georgia
Rodrigo Castillo, age 33 of Mableton, Georgia, passed away Friday, August 3, 2018. He is survived by his mother, Enriqueta Lapexlira.
Dear Ms. Enriqueta, I am so sorry for your terrible loss. I knew Rodrigo from college, and he was a wonderful person — truly warm, genuine, intelligent, and kind. He will be missed by all.
Hello Ms. Enriqueta,
My name is Noah Emery. I am a friend of Rodrigo’s, having attended Thunderbird with him. I had the pleasure of getting to know him well and will greatly miss his humor and love of life. I am heartbroken and can not express how sorry I am for your loss. My deepest sympathies and prayers are with you and your family today.
Dear Ms. Enriquetta,
My name is Rodrigo Quezada and I have the great pleasure to meet and become Rodrigo’s friend while we were at Thunderbird. We spend loads of time together since we were in the same starting group, and stayed connected throughout the two years of the programme. I’got to know him well and will greatly miss his authenticity, light and kind way of seeing life. I am devasted for this sad occurrence and cannot say how sorry I am for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. We will all miss him for sure.
Lamento la pérdida del joven Rodrigo. Nunca es fácil perder un ser querido , La Biblia me ha consolado en momentos difíciles como esta. Una escritura en partícular que me ha ayudado es 2Corintios 1: 4. Allí menciona que Dios escucha nuestras peticiones y lo toma en cuenta. Dice así : que nos consuela en toda nuestra tribulación, para que nosotros podamos consolar a los [que se hallan] en cualquier clase de tribulación mediante el consuelo con que nosotros mismos estamos siendo consolados por Dios.”
Espero que estas palabras puede hacer de ayuda como lo ha sido para mi.
I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I hope the words found at Revelation 21:4 brings comfort.