Dr. Gangarosa was my introduction to public health back in 1988 as I began my MPH studies and work in Emory’s Public Health Program. He was a gift to me at the very beginning of my career. I have fond memories of him in the office at the small building (former house) on Gatewood Road. I never thought I would be so fascinated to learn about the human gut and diarrheal diseases but he made the topic captivating. His passion for public health could be seen in every lecture and his love of mankind seen in every encounter. Thank you Dr. Gangarosa.
Dr. Gangarosa was my introduction to public health back in 1988 as I began my MPH studies and work in Emory’s Public Health Program. He was a gift to me at the very beginning of my career. I have fond memories of him in the office at the small building (former house) on Gatewood Road. I never thought I would be so fascinated to learn about the human gut and diarrheal diseases but he made the topic captivating. His passion for public health could be seen in every lecture and his love of mankind seen in every encounter. Thank you Dr. Gangarosa.