Russell Burchfield

November 22, 1942 ~ April 29, 2019
Born in:
Madison, Indiana
Resided in:
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Born in:
Madison, Indiana
Resided in:
Lawrenceville, Georgia
I’m deeply sorry for your loss. I hope the words found at Revelation 21:4 brings comfort.
Lisa and Russ, Jr., there are no words to express how deeply sorry I am for your loss of your beloved Dad. He was a great, fun-loving guy, and I fondly remember all the card tricks he used to show me when I was just a kid. It amazes me to realize that I have known him since I was about 7 years old, so I also feel a tremendous loss. I will forever be thankful that he was such a wonderful husband to my sister, Fran. They each adored the other, and it was plain to see that they were immeasurably happy together. I’ve heard Fran say so very many times how lucky and blessed she felt to have Russ as her husband. I can only imagine the reunion they had on April 29th. I’m sure that was quite something to see! Love you both so much! Aunt Jan